HITACHI HF5000 200 kV (S)TEM​

The Hitachi HF5000 200kV (S)TEM has the unique advantage of combining atomic resolution imaging with elemental analysis at the atomic level. This allows for a more detailed understanding of the structure and composition of materials, making it a valuable tool for materials research. The high-energy electrons used in this instrument provide high resolution, allowing for the visualization of individual atoms and their interactions. Additionally, the ability to perform elemental analysis at the atomic level allows for a more in-depth understanding of the chemical makeup of materials. Overall, the Hitachi HF5000 200kV (S)TEM is a powerful tool for characterizing the microstructure and chemical composition of materials.

Product Desription

It has cold FEG and automated probe-forming spherical aberration corrector.

It has Oxford Instruments dual SDD dedectors for EDX analysis and

Gatan Quantum Imaging Filter (GIF) for electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) analysis.

It has simultaneous SEM & STEM imaging capability.

Product Highlights

High-brightness and high-stability cold FE electron gun (Cold FEG)​

0.078 nm spatial resolution in STEM​

Cs-corrected SEM & STEM imaging capability

Available Modules

Hitachi’s own fully automated aberration corrector​

Oxford Instruments symmetrically opposed dual 100 mm2 EDX detectors​

Gatan Quantum Imaging Filter (GIF) for electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) analysis