The Hitachi Ethos NX5000 is a high-performance triple beam system that uses different ion beams for etching, deposition, and cleaning. This system uses Ga ions for etching, C/W for deposition, and low-energy Ar ions for cleaning of the amorphous layer that results from Ga ion milling. This allows for precise control of the etching, deposition, and cleaning processes, making the Hitachi Ethos NX5000 a valuable tool for a wide range of materials research applications. The ability to use different ion beams for different processes allows for greater flexibility and precision in the fabrication of micro and nano-structures (e.g., TEM samples).

Product Desription

It is used for cross-section processing, TEM lamella preparation,

chemical and structural analysis with attached Oxford Instruments EDX

and EBSD detectors.

Product Highlights

Real-time SEM monitoring during FIB milling​

0.5 kV – 30 kV accelerating voltage​

Cold cathode field emission source

Available Modules

Triple Beam System (EB: Electron Beam, FIB: Focused Ion Beam, Ar: Argon ion beam)​

In-column secondary electron detector, SE (U) and chamber mounted secondary electron detector, SE (L)​

Oxford Instruments EDX and EBSD detectors