Biolin Scientific Quartz Crystal Microbalance​

The Biolin Qsense Explorer Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Dissipation Monitoring System is a surface-sensitive technique that is commonly used in materials research. This system uses a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) to measure changes in mass and viscoelastic properties of materials at the surface. This allows for the study of a wide range of phenomena, including adsorption, desorption, interfacial interactions, and reaction kinetics.

Product Desription

QCM is used for analyzing surface-interactions (adsorbtion or desorbtion of molecules), thin film formation in real time.

It measures the mass changes on the surface of the sensor with nanoscale resolution by using piezoeelctric quartz crystal.

QCM-D measures changes in energy loss.

Product Highlights

7 channel measured harmonics

25-150 μl/min flow rate

Sensors (frequency range ) : 5 MHz (1-72)

Available Modules

QE 401 Electronics Unit

QCP 101 Chamber Platform

QFM 401 Flow Module

Gold and stainless steel sensors