SAXSpoint 5.0 is a versatile SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/RheoSAXS laboratory beamline that uses synchrotron detector technology for high-resolution measurements in a compact system. This system is capable of resolving nanostructures up to 620 nm, making it a valuable tool for the study of materials at the nanoscale. SAXSpoint 5.0 offers a high degree of flexibility, allowing for the analysis of almost any material under ambient and non-ambient conditions. Additionally, various optional features make SAXSpoint 5.0 ready for future applications in the micrometer range (USAXS).

Product Desription

SAXSpoint 5.0 employs a brilliant X-ray beam with high spectral purity and scatterless beam collimation. Equipped with powerful microsource or MetalJet X-ray sources and high-performance optics, it delivers excellent results within exceptionally short exposure times.

Product Highlights

Almost any kind of nanostructured material can be analyzed with various sample stages from Anton Paar. Switching between different sample stages is easy and fast with TrueFocus, the feature that ensures automatic alignment of all components. Benefit from a unique flexibility in your measurement setup.

Available Modules

TC stages: controlled-temperature studies from -150 °C to 600 °C

Humidity Stage: analysis under defined RH and temperature

GISAXS/GIXD stage: studies of nanostructured surfaces and thin films in vacuum or combined with the unique GISAXS Heating Module (up to 500 °C)

Heated/Cooled Sampler: automated studies with temperature-controlled samplers (multi-solid/paste-like/liquid samples or capillary samples)

Tensile Stage: analysis of nanostructured fibers under defined mechanical load. Customized sample stage solutions.

Recent Publications

Recep BAKAR1, Saeid DARVISHI2, Erkan ŞENSES2,3,4

Abstract: Solvent-free polymer-based electrolytes (SPEs) have gained significant attention to realize safer and flexible lithium-ion batteries. Among all polymers used for preparing SPEs electrolytes, poly(ethylene oxide), a biocompatible and biodegradable polymer, has been the most prevalent one mainly because of its high ionic conductivity in the molten state, the capability for the dissolution of a wide range of different lithium salts as well as its potential for the environmental health and safety. However, linear PEO is highly semicrystalline at room temperature and thus exhibits weak mechanical performance. Addition of nanoparticles enhances the mechanical strength and effectively decreases the crystallization of linear PEO, yet enhancement in mechanical performance often results in decreased ionic conductivity when compared to the neat linear PEO-based electrolytes; new strategies for decoupling ionic conductivity from mechanical reinforcement are urgently needed. Herein, we used lithium bis(trifluoromethane-sulfonyl)-imide (LiTFSI) salts dissolved in various nonlinear PEO architectures, including stars (4-arms and 8-arms) and hyperbranched matrices, and SiO2 nanoparticles (approximately equal to 50 nm diameter) as fillers. Compared to the linear PEO chains, the room temperature crystallinity was eliminated in the branched PEO architectures. The electrolytes with good dispersion of the nanoparticles in the nonlinear PEOs significantly enhanced ionic conductivity, specifically by approximately equal to 40% for 8-arm star, approximately equal to 28% for 4-arms star, and approximately equal to %16 for hyperbranched matrices, with respect to the composite electrolyte with the linear matrix. Additionally, the rheological results of the SPEs with branched architectures show more than three orders of magnitude enhancement in the low-frequency moduli compared to the neat linear PEO/Li systems. The obtained results demonstrate that the solvent-free composite electrolytes made of branched PEO architectures can be quite promising especially for irregularly shaped and environmentally benign battery applications suitable for medical implants, wearable devices, and stretchable electronics, which require biodegradability and biocompatibility.

Selcan Karaz, Mertcan Han, Gizem Akay, Asim Onal, Sedat Nizamoglu, Seda Kizilel* and Erkan Senses*

Abstract: Understanding dynamic and complex interaction of biological membranes with extracellular matrices plays a crucial role in controlling a variety of cell behavior and functions, from cell adhesion and growth to signaling and differentiation. Tremendous interest in tissue engineering has made it possible to design polymeric scaffolds mimicking the topology and mechanical properties of the native extracellular microenvironment; however, a fundamental question remains unanswered: that is, how the viscoelastic extracellular environment modifies the hierarchical dynamics of lipid membranes. In this work, we used aqueous solutions of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) with different molecular weights to mimic the viscous medium of cells and nearly monodisperse unilamellar DMPC/DMPG liposomes as a membrane model. Using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), dynamic light scattering, temperature-modulated differential scanning calorimetry, bulk rheology, and fluorescence lifetime spectroscopy, we investigated the structural phase map and multiscale dynamics of the liposome–polymer mixtures. The results suggest an unprecedented dynamic coupling between polymer chains and phospholipid bilayers at different length/time scales. The microviscosity of the lipid bilayers is directly influenced by the relaxation of the whole chain, resulting in accelerated dynamics of lipids within the bilayers in the case of short chains compared to the polymer-free liposome case. At the macroscopic level, the gel-to-fluid transition of the bilayers results in a remarkable thermal-stiffening behavior of polymer–liposome solutions that can be modified by the concentration of the liposomes and the polymer chain length.

Selcan Karaz, Mertcan Han, Gizem Akay, Asim Onal, Sedat Nizamoglu, Seda Kizilel* and Erkan Senses*

Abstract: Understanding dynamic and complex interaction of biological membranes with extracellular matrices plays a crucial role in controlling a variety of cell behavior and functions, from cell adhesion and growth to signaling and differentiation. Tremendous interest in tissue engineering has made it possible to design polymeric scaffolds mimicking the topology and mechanical properties of the native extracellular microenvironment; however, a fundamental question remains unanswered: that is, how the viscoelastic extracellular environment modifies the hierarchical dynamics of lipid membranes. In this work, we used aqueous solutions of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) with different molecular weights to mimic the viscous medium of cells and nearly monodisperse unilamellar DMPC/DMPG liposomes as a membrane model. Using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), dynamic light scattering, temperature-modulated differential scanning calorimetry, bulk rheology, and fluorescence lifetime spectroscopy, we investigated the structural phase map and multiscale dynamics of the liposome–polymer mixtures. The results suggest an unprecedented dynamic coupling between polymer chains and phospholipid bilayers at different length/time scales. The microviscosity of the lipid bilayers is directly influenced by the relaxation of the whole chain, resulting in accelerated dynamics of lipids within the bilayers in the case of short chains compared to the polymer-free liposome case. At the macroscopic level, the gel-to-fluid transition of the bilayers results in a remarkable thermal-stiffening behavior of polymer–liposome solutions that can be modified by the concentration of the liposomes and the polymer chain length.

Oktay GÖCENLER, Cansu Müşerref YENİCİ, Kerem KAHRAMAN, Cengizhan BÜYÜKDAĞ, Çağdaş DAĞ*

Abstract: Small angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) is a method for determining basic structural characteristics such as size, shape, and surface of particles. SAXS can generate low resolution models of biomolecules faster than any other conventional experimental structural biology tools. SAXS data is mostly collected in synchrotron facilities to obtain the best scattering data possible however home source SAXS devices can also generate valuable data when optimized properly. Here, we examined sample data collection and optimization at home source SAXS beamline in terms of concentration, purity, and the duration of data acquisition. We validated that high concentration, monodisperse and ultra pure protein samples obtained by size exclusion chromatography are necessary for generating viable SAXS data using home source beamline. Longer data collection time does not always generate higher resolutions but at least one hour is required for generating a feasible model from SAXS data. Furthermore, with small optimizations both during data collection and later data analysis SAXS can determine properties such as oligomerization, molecular mass, and overall shape of particles in solution under physiological conditions.